Legend Marching Festival


September 20, 2025


Echo Park Stadium

11901 Newlin Gulch Blvd

Parker, CO 80134

Ticket Prices TBD:

All Day Pass $__/ adults $__ Students/Seniors

Preliminaries Only $__/adults $__ students/Seniors

Finals Only $__/adults $__ students/Seniors

Program $__


2025 Legend Marching Festival 

Use this link to register for this year's marching festival.  Questions?  Email lhsBandBoosters.President@gmail.com.


We are excited to announce the 16th Annual Legend Marching Festival will occur on Saturday, September 20, 2025. This festival is sponsored by the amazing band parents of the Legend High School Band Boosters and our generous sponsors.

The festival has grown, and we are proud to host 24 bands from all over Colorado, plus an exhibition performance by our own award winning Legend High School Marching Band.

Why The Legend Marching Festival?

Our festival was created on the idea that marching bands from smaller schools did not have many opportunities to experience performing in a finals competition in a competitive marching band festival. The Legend Marching Festival operates under a format where half of the bands competing in the festival finals are 1A-3A schools. We feel this provides both a musical and personal growth opportunity for all involved, and we therefore strive to create an atmosphere that allows these bands to demonstrate their abilities on the field of competition, showcasing the results of their hard work and musicianship.